Assigning Controllers Workshop – Part 1

Assigning Controllers Workshop - Part 1

Part 1 of Logic Studio Training's Assigning Controllers Workshop takes you through...

  • Finding and backing up your Logic Pro preferences
  • The ins and outs of the controller assignments window
  • How to assign controllers to the transport
  • Tips for assigning controllers using the M-Audio Keystation Pro 88
  • And more

Links mentioned in the tutorial: M-AUDIO - Knowledge Base Search

Part 1 of 4 | 2 | 3 | 4

We've provided a large version to better see the details of this tutorial.

13 thoughts on “Assigning Controllers Workshop – Part 1

  1. I’ve went through these videos, which are great (first time I’ve seen video tutorials for the Keystation 88).

    HOWEVER, I’m having one major problem. None of my buttons on my 88 are getting MIDI Learned, starting with the transport section. I’ve tried the ‘press button – press Data LSB Twice – enter 127’ and nothing works.

    Please help!

  2. Do you see MIDI coming in on Logic’s transport when you press buttons on the Keystation? Does the keyboard work for MIDI? If not, double check cabling. Also, check any settings via M-Audio’s Enigma software. There’s an undefined CCs preset for MIDI learn.

    What happens when you hit the ‘Learn New Assignment’ button in the controller assignments window and then press a button on your Keystation Pro 88? Anything at all?

    I’m sure we can figure this out.

  3. The keyboard definitely works for MID because I can MIDI Learn the faders and knobs.

    I’ll have a look at Enigma and check out those settings.

    When I hit Learn New Assignment, then press a button, nothing happens at all. However when I do the same thing and move a fader or turn a knob, the assignment is learned…

  4. So it definitely sounds like the problem is with your Keystation and not Logic. Open Enigma and find the Keystation Pro 88 Defaults and use the “Undefined CCs (for MIDI Learn)” preset.

  5. Ok, I’ll try that tonight! Thanks so much for the quick help!

  6. I opened Enigma, selected Keystation 88 Pro Defaults, then Undefined CCs, and hit upload. That didn’t work. I tried resetting my Keystation (power off, then power back on holding down the + and – keys), then doing the Enigma process. That didn’t work.

    Now I even have more problems, the only things that will actually send MIDI messages are the keys on the keyboard. The faders, knobs and buttons all don’t send anything now.


  7. Also, my transport panel says ‘No In’ and ‘No Out’ – this only changes when I hit a key on the keyboard (then it displays a note), but when I use a fader it goe back to No…

  8. …and, I’m just plugged in using USB.

  9. So we figured this one out offline. Enigma looked like it was uploading presets but wasn’t. A great little app helped Wes test his MIDI controllers: MIDIMonitor

  10. hey Graham, alot of folks like me have the M-Audio Axiom 61, could u do a tutorial or even if u could help explain how to setup the Axiom to control
    Logic 9 transport , seem to be having issues . thanx

  11. hey graham ,
    i got the answers about setting up the transport from part one of
    Assigning Controllers tutorial. Thanks for doin the heavy lifting for us here .
    I definitely appreciate what u all do here to help others . thanks.

    1. Cool! Happy to be of service! 🙂

  12. Im facng a problem with logic and korg pa2x
    if I have 3 midi tracks and im sequence mode. every time i record a track and want to move to track 2 track 1 changes the sound.
    im really frustrated. spend som many hours.
    Can you please help

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