Holiday Special Ends Soon!

Get instant access to hours of Logic Studio Training through January 1st for only $19.95! After January 1st, the price goes up.

Logic Studio In Action With Dave “Switch” Taylor

It’s inspiring to hear what one man can do with a MacBook Pro, Logic Studio, and an Apogee Duet. “I try to spend an hour or so a day just making up patches and having some fun with the ES1 or some other synth, trying to make up my own new sounds as well as weird drum kits,” he says. And that’s how you master Logic Studio.

Happy Holidays From Logic Studio Training

For a limited time only, we are dropping the usual price of our membership from $19.95 a month to a single low payment of $19.95 for a lifetime membership! But you must act fast because we could raise the price at any moment.

Logic Pro Vocoder Basics Part 2

This segment of the Vocoder Basics tutorial will explain how to setup and use the vocoder with a vocal input source. Learn more about how the vocoder actually works and how you can adjust settings to accommodate vocal input.

Logic Pro Vocoder Basics Part 1

Covers setup/routing for LP8’s vocoder instrument. You will also learn the basic functions of the vocoder’s synthesizer section.

Time Saving Template Tips

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you a cool time-saving trick for your Logic Studio Templates.

Setting Default Zoom

Learn to save and recall a default zoom setting. Enhance your workflow by being able to always revert back to your own custom zoom level.