How can I change my password?

Update your password here. Use the same email with which you subscribed. Please note that the minimum password length is 8 characters, and the maximum length is 20 characters. Some password managers will default to 21 characters, like Apple’s Safari browser.

I'm having trouble watching the videos and accessing my content.

It’s usually a browser issue that can be fixed by clearing your browser cache and cookies. Here’s how...

How long will I have access to the course material?

Forever! As long as your account is in good standing, your course access never expires, so you can continue to brush up on your music producing far into the future.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes. All of our trainings have a 30-day, no-questions-asked guarantee, except for pre-release trainings, which have a 7-day guarantee.

Is your course iPad/iPhone/Android friendly?

Yes. You can log in and view all content on every mobile device, iOS, and Android.

How long will it take to get access to the content?

Immediately. Your login and access information will be sent to the email address you provide (make sure you check spam), and there will be complete instructions that explain how you can access your purchase.

I have a question that's not listed.

Please use our contact form for priority support.