Logic Pro MIDI Editing Part 5 – The Transform Window

Logic Pro MIDI Editing Part 5 - The Transform Window

In part 5 of the Logic Pro MIDI Editing tutorial, you’ll learn about the transform window, transform sets, humanize preset, transform window parameters, MIDI out, MIDI activity display, converting MIDI to audio, and much more.

Logic Pro MIDI Editing Part 4 – The Score Editor

Logic Pro MIDI Editing Part 4 - The Score Editor

In part 4 of the Logic Pro MIDI Editing tutorial, you’ll learn about the score editor, displaying MIDI in the score editor, using display settings, creating and editing events in the score editor, printing a score, and much more.

Logic Pro MIDI Editing Part 1 – The Piano Roll Editor

Logic Pro MIDI Editing Part 1 - The Piano Roll Editor

In part 1 of the Logic Pro MIDI Editing tutorial, you’ll learn about the piano roll editor, the piano roll grid, the piano roll info display, creating and editing note events, piano roll snap settings, hyper draw, and much more.

Changing The Length Of Notes Using The Piano Roll Editor

Learn how to alter the start and end points of notes using various methods and with options to set the same end point for several notes as well as make several notes the same length. You’ll also learn more advanced note length functions.