Logic Pro Vocoder Basics Part 1

Covers setup/routing for LP8’s vocoder instrument. You will also learn the basic functions of the vocoder’s synthesizer section.

Time Saving Template Tips

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you a cool time-saving trick for your Logic Studio Templates.

Setting Default Zoom

Learn to save and recall a default zoom setting. Enhance your workflow by being able to always revert back to your own custom zoom level.

Logic Pro Trance Gate Effect

Create traditional trance gate effects in Logic Pro 8 using two different methods. Sync your gate effects to tempo and even create custom rhythms for the gated synth sounds!

Follow Us On YouTube and Vimeo

We’re now broadcasting our Logic Studio Minute on YouTube and Vimeo. So if you’re on any of those video networks, friend us up!

Set Locators By Region

Set your left and right locators by making region selections. Fast and easy way to loop specific material in your projects for playback and editing.

Saving Custom Templates

Learn how to save and open your very own custom templates. You will never have to go through the hassle of project setup again.

Creating Markers

Here’s a tip for quickly and easily creating and naming markers throughout your Logic Pro projects. Never disrupt your workflow again!