Advanced Tutorials

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It's hard to say where things become "advanced" in Logic Pro. Mostly, the things you can do with Logic Pro are pretty easy to do. Some topics require a little more foundational knowledge or experience so we put them here. Some of these tutorials are so easy to grasp that they still hardly seem to be advanced. But we still want to keep these away from the Beginners so, again, we put them here. Other things are actually advanced, like the Environment or the Hyper Editor.

This page will gradually become more refined. But if you're an advanced user, you probably know what you need to know and you can use the search to find it.

Arrange Window

  • Set Locators By Region
    • Set your left and right locators by making region selections. Fast and easy way to loop specific material in your projects for playback and editing.
  • Setting Default Zoom
    • Learn to save and recall a default zoom setting. Enhance your workflow by being able to always revert back to your own custom zoom level.

Piano Roll Editor

  • Logic Pro 8 Tips & Tricks: Piano Roll Editor
    • Quickly open Event List or the Score Editor from MIDI notes in the Piano Roll Editor. Mute and copy notes on-the-fly without using tools or menu commands. Correct note overlap problems and merge notes instantly. Select only top or bottom notes or polyphonic music for editing or force all notes in a monophonic line to play legato. Lock MIDI note events to SMPTE timecode, which is incredibly useful for working with hits in film projects. These tips will make you a MIDI editing pro in no time.
  • Logic Pro 8 Piano Roll Editor: Advanced Operations
    • This tutorial will cover many of the advanced features of the Piano Roll Editor in Logic Pro 8. Learn to edit, mute and delete note events quickly and easily. View additional MIDI controller data in the Hyper Draw portion of the Piano Roll Editor. Easily make changes to note velocities and learn about the various ways in which note events snap to the time grid. Change the look of the piano roll interface to suit your own preference! With these techniques you will greatly enhance your productivity and workflow when working with MIDI data in the Piano Roll Editor. Required: Clarinet Section Legato EXS24 instrument, included with Logic Pro 8.



  • Working With Regions in Logic Pro 8: MIDI Loops
    • This tutorial demonstrates how to setup MIDI Loops and edit MIDI data within a region to quickly make edits to looped content. Adjust loop lengths and convert loops into real copies or aliases to adjust music to your own projects. Looping techniques enable quick composition and arrangement, great for electronic music and hip-hop production! Required: 12 String Dream 03 software instrument loop, included with Logic Pro 8.
  • Looping MIDI Regions
    • Watch now to learn how to quickly and easily loop MIDI regions throughout your projects. Great for loop-based music in urban or electronic genres.

Hyper Editor

Hyper Draw

Score Editor


Channel Strips

Tempo Track



  • Generative Music With Logic Pro Part 1
    • In these generative music tutorials, you'll learn how to make music that's always changing and completely composed in real time. You'll be able to use these techniques to create unique, ambient soundscapes, add excitement and unpredictable elements to your arrangements, and generate new melodic and harmonic ideas for further composition.


  • Assigning Controllers Workshop Part 3
    • Part 3 of Logic Studio Training's Assigning Controllers Workshop takes you through how to assign controllers to keys on your computer keyboard, how to assign the same controller to different parameters so knobs can affect pan in one setting and a software instrument filter in another, how to create controller assignment Modes for software instruments like the ES2, and more.

Tips & Tricks

  • Tips For Managing Multiple Projects Using Logic Pro
    • In this world of super fast paced content creation, it pays you in time and money to have an organized and automated system for making music. In this presentation, I'll be showing you some tips and tricks for managing multiple musical projects using Logic Pro and iTunes.
  • Creating Markers
    • Here's a tip for quickly and easily creating and naming markers throughout your Logic Pro 8 projects. Never disrupt your workflow again!



  • Importing Video
    • Discover the basics of importing video into Logic Pro 8 and how to sync your movie to the bar structure.